The Dog Eaten Laptop

DISCLAIMER - Although I am on staff at Fellowship Church, not everything you read on my blog should be considered an accurate reflection of the views of Fellowship Church, my co-workers, or my staff.
Being in technology we are usually the first to try out all the cool new tools and toys and man there is nothing better. It is sometimes like Christmas to us whenever a new software or hardware product comes out and we get to get it and play with it. Ahh the chills that run up and down the spine when you complete the first install or get the new hardware in the rack, there is nothing like it. If you are not a techie, you just can’t understand what its like.
Well, this month is the beginning of “the season” for us. We start working with one of our partners Tectura partnering in the Microsoft TAP program, taking a closer look at the upcoming new Windows client operating System, codenamed “Longhorn”.
For those of you not familiar with the program, it is the granddaddy of Microsoft's beta programs; the difference is it is mainly centered on a core group of key customers and partners who are early adopters of key Microsoft technologies. It is not a replacement for their public and private beta tests, but more of a private showing or back-stage pass if you will to upcoming technology.
One of the great things about the program is that all the time and support associated with the program is free. From planning, deployment and support Microsoft pays for all of it. You can’t beat free!
TAP currently applies to Windows client, server, Office, Systems Management Server and a handful of other products.
I can’t wait to get started and to play with all the cool new tools. I know, I know, I’m a tech dork.